luni, 10 noiembrie 2008
vineri, 24 octombrie 2008
Inspired by the images
Eighty years after a world famous ballerina visited Abbotsbury Swannery, in order to draw inspiration for her role in Swan Lake, her iconic visit has been re-created.
Famous Russian ballerina Anna Pavlova visited the swannery in Dorset with her dance troupe in the 1920s in order to study the birds as inspiration for her production of the much-loved ballet, Swan Lake.
Now, the Dorchester Ballet and Dance Club has marked its 50th anniversary by recreating Ms Pavlova's visit.
Ms Pavlova, who died in 1931, is perhaps best known for her performance of The Dying Swan, a dance choreographed to the music Le Cygne.
The ballerina was inspired by swans she had seen in public parks when it came to choreographing the solo dance.
So it made sense for her to visit Abbotsbury, the only place in the world where visitors can walk through the heart of a colony of nesting mute swans, to research her Swan Lake role.
Pictures of Pavlova's visit were only discovered recently when the swannery's general manager John Houston was leafing through a box of old photographs.
Inspired by the images, which show the ballerinas from Pavlov's troupe mingling with the swans in full costume, the Dorchester club has tried to recreate them.
The club, which was founded in the 1950s, even has its own connection with Pavlova; one of its teachers, Elizabeth Goodchild, trained under Ms Pavlova's great rival Tamara Karsavina.
Eighty years after a world famous ballerina visited Abbotsbury Swannery, in order to draw inspiration for her role in Swan Lake, her iconic visit has been re-created.
Famous Russian ballerina Anna Pavlova visited the swannery in Dorset with her dance troupe in the 1920s in order to study the birds as inspiration for her production of the much-loved ballet, Swan Lake.
Now, the Dorchester Ballet and Dance Club has marked its 50th anniversary by recreating Ms Pavlova's visit.
Ms Pavlova, who died in 1931, is perhaps best known for her performance of The Dying Swan, a dance choreographed to the music Le Cygne.
The ballerina was inspired by swans she had seen in public parks when it came to choreographing the solo dance.
So it made sense for her to visit Abbotsbury, the only place in the world where visitors can walk through the heart of a colony of nesting mute swans, to research her Swan Lake role.
Pictures of Pavlova's visit were only discovered recently when the swannery's general manager John Houston was leafing through a box of old photographs.
Inspired by the images, which show the ballerinas from Pavlov's troupe mingling with the swans in full costume, the Dorchester club has tried to recreate them.
The club, which was founded in the 1950s, even has its own connection with Pavlova; one of its teachers, Elizabeth Goodchild, trained under Ms Pavlova's great rival Tamara Karsavina.
miercuri, 10 septembrie 2008

A four-year-old girl's dream of being a ballerina for the day came true.
Angelina Vidler, of Shoeburyness, Essex, who suffers from a rare form of cancer, rehearsed at the Royal Opera House.
With her own silver outfit and ballet slippers, she joined ballerinas from the Royal Ballet in rehearsing on stage.
Her wish was made possible by the Rays of Sunshine Children's Charity, which helps seriously and terminally ill youngsters.
Afterwards, her proud mother Hilary said: "Rays of Sunshine have granted the most amazing and special wish.
"Angelina enjoyed every minute of it and couldn't take her eyes off the beautiful ballerinas.
"This wish has given us all, as a family, so many happy memories."
Angelina, who was also given a signed pair of ballet shoes, is receiving treatment for Wilms' Tumour, a form of kidney cancer that she was first diagnosed with in July last year.
articol vechi din
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
duminică, 10 august 2008
joi, 5 iunie 2008
Meisenthal Swan
Swan miniature porcelain figure
lebede de plus

Nina Ananiashvili graciously accepts flowers from the audience during a standing ovation at the State Ballet of Georgia's debut at UCLA Live on Feb. 23. Ananiashvili started her impressive career in 1981 with the Bolshoi Ballet and then soon became a world renowned Bolshoi prima ballerina and an American Ballet Theater principal dancer. She has since been invited to dance with prestigious companies around the world. Her elegant and fluid form, exceptional technique, and dramatic expression distinguished her from all others. And even today when she sweeps her languid arm, she is the definition of grace.
duminică, 23 martie 2008
marți, 18 martie 2008
vineri, 14 martie 2008
luni, 3 martie 2008
duminică, 17 februarie 2008
sâmbătă, 2 februarie 2008
joi, 24 ianuarie 2008
lebede pe dambovita... si nu numai
Cei mai mulţi trecători au rămas muţi de uimire când au văzut pe apa lucioasă a râului cele două lebede.
Graţioase ca două balerine, cele două lebede le-au atras repede privirile trecătorilor.
Deşi la început par fricoase nu e greu să le câştigi încrederea. Nu se împrietenesc însă cu oricine. Secretul e să le arunci ceva de mâncare şi gata! Ai devenit aliatul lor.
Bucureştenii sunt mândri de aleşii oaspeţi, mai ales că nu se întâlnesc cu ei la tot pasul. Se pare însă că atât lebedele, cât şi raţele sau pescăruşii, preferă porţiunile de apă care traversează oraşele pentru că acestea îngheaţă mai greu.
sursa; protv
Mureşenii vor avea o iarnă domoală în 2008! O prevestesc trei lebede care şi-au făcut cuibul pe malul Târnavei Mici în centrul oraşului Sângeorgiu de Pădure.
Păsărilor nu le este teamă nici măcar de gheaţă astfel că se plimbă pe ea cât e ziua de lungă spre bucuria localnicilor.
Localnicii au grijă de musafiri: chiar dacă păsările se descurcă cu peştele pe care îl găsesc în apă, primesc şi desert de la gazdele lor.
Lebedele nu sunt în pericol, spun specialiştii. Dacă apa nu îngheaţă şi găsesc mâncare, păsările vor rămâne aici încă multă vreme. Bătrânii se bucură deoarece ei ştiu dacă apar lebedele, iarna va fi blândă.
sursa: protv
vineri, 18 ianuarie 2008
joi, 17 ianuarie 2008
luni, 14 ianuarie 2008
vineri, 4 ianuarie 2008
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